Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Every Time You Get Upset

Ask yourself... is it worth it? Some things are legitimately worth getting worked up about. Most things aren't. 

Ask my husband, ask my mom, honestly, ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I get upset easily. I am on the verge of tears/in tears close to seven days a week. When things don't go the way I have all planned out, I tend to take it out on those around me. 

Not that I know much about the subject, but from my personal observations, it seems that people with higher levels of anxiety (read: ME) also tend to get upset much more easily. Sometimes I think that it's because I worry, worry, worry and plan every little detail out in my mind. When, as often happens, those details don't happen the way I planned, I might get a little upset. Or a lot upset. It's hard on my loved ones, and it's hard on me. 

Of course, there's not a simple solution. I don't think it's about telling yourself to not get upset so easily. It seems like that is just putting a band-aid on the real problem. Instead, I've tried to focus on ways to find inner peace. Obviously the number one way to find peace is to stop worrying but that's no easy fix. Some ways I find inner peace are by relaxation, by drinking a cool drink, reading an uplifting book. I might do a quite yoga practice or go on a walk as the sun is setting. It might be spending an afternoon at the lake with my family, not worrying about school or work. 

And of course, turning to the very Author of peace in prayer. I have found so much comfort on the days when I focus more on prayer. It really helps to center me and ground me, focusing on what is important and what is not. 

Do you struggle with anxiety and getting upset easily? If you do, apologize to the people in your life. Be up front with them and share your worries. Let them know why you feel the way you do. Don't make excuses for yourself, just be honest about yourself.  

I'll leave you with this blessing. God really is a God of peace. Amen to that!